Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dear Emma

You're the most precious baby girl in the world.
I never knew I could instantly love a person so much in my life.

These 10 months & 3 weeks have gone by like I just blinked.
I feel like just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital
and you were just  the tiniest little baby at 5lbs & 7ozs.

You make anyone & everyone around you happier with your 
toothless smile.

I never like to see you in pain.
You're teeth are just taking their dear sweet time to come in.
I can see them,
I can feel them,
They just won't pop through your gums!

I feel so bad when I can't console you,
can't cuddle you,
can't kiss you.

But when my body is shaky or twitching,
trust me sweetheart it's in your best
interest for me not to hold you.
I know you don't understand when I have to walk out of the room,
because if you can see me in the room,
not holding you that just makes you scream worse.

 Trust me Mommy doesn't want to hurt you more than
you already do with your teeth.

You can blame my seizures,
I blame my seizures.
Trust me Chickadee I'm doing all I can to find out
whats causing these seizures so you can have
a healthy mommy.

You deserve a healthy mommy!
You deserve to have me hold you when you're in pain.

I love you baby girl!
I promise I will find a way to get as healthy for you as I possibly can!
And you always have Daddy to put on a smile on your face,
Thats what he's good at is to put a smile on his girls' faces when we're sad.
It's IMPOSSIBLE to be sad when your daddy is around making a fool out of himself
to get a smile out of you!
You are loved!


Mommy & Daddy

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