Tuesday, September 23, 2014

So Ready

Tomorrow will mark the 13th day that Emma and I have been staying at my grandma's house. I do love visiting my family, but I am so ready to go home tomorrow. All of my old friends and my doctors are here in town so when I visit my grandma I try to shedule my doctors appointments & play dates while I'm here. We live 45 minutes away from here which doesn't seem far, but on a one income family the gas to go back and forth is brutal. 

I am so ready to see my wonderful husband, ready to be in our apartment, ready for my own bed, ready for the little walks Emma and I take to the lake near our apartment. So ready to be home. 

We already have planned the next time Emma and I come to grandma's house. The earliest my primary care doctor could see me was October 9th so that week Emz and I will stay for a couple days. Not as long as this visit though. This visit was supposed to end on this past Saturday, but my foot doctor wanted to see me back in a week so we stayed for a couple extra days. I told my grandma next time we visit I'm bringing my caddy full of my meds because since I was only planning on staying to Saturday I only brought meds for 9 days. So I've been without my meds for a few days and my body is not happy with me. I had a very mild seizure tonight due to my not having my meds. So yeah from now on my big caddy of meds is coming with me. 

I am excited for my next visit because I'll be babysitting my favorite one year old Carson. Hopefully next visit I'll get him more than one day :) Emma loves when I babysit my friend's little boy. You can tell she wants a sibling, but I have a feeling she wouldn't want a sibling that's there 24/7. After 7 hours of Carson she started to get a little jealous lol. Guess it's a good thing my husband doesn't want anymore kiddos. 

Well off to bed (hopefully) I go. Insomnia is not my friend. Can't wait to see my hubby in the morning!!!!

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